Clean chemical and cell laboratory
Standardly equiped cell laboratory is placed in a clean room (ISO4/5) to ensure the most controllable environment to seed and grow cell lines. A clean chemical laboratory (ISO5) nearby ensures the most efficient hadnling during preparation and basic characterization of the samples. Finally, at the end of the air flow of the clean rooms, there is nano laboratory (ISO 6) for handling of nanomaterials and cleaning.
Technical details:
- 3 flow-based clean rooms of total 58 m2 with HEPA air filtration (from ISO4/5 to ISO 6 class)
- Standardly equiped clean cell laboratory (ISO4/5) with several incubators, laminar flow box, ultracentrifuge, deep freezer and small equipment
- Standardly equiped clean chemical laboratory (ISO 5) with UV-VIS and FTIR spectrometers, centrifuges, pH-meters, mixers, shakers, fridges, small equipment, chemical boxes and extensive working surface
- Nano clean laboratory (ISO 6) with two fume hoods, sonicators, rotational evaporators, autoclaves, washing machines and Vitrocell cloud aerosolization system
- standard technical lines (water, pressurized air, nitrogen, CO2, Ar)
- sample storage and freezers
- extensive collection of spin and fluorescent probes
- SoP for sample transfers and people flow
- code access control